








来源: 2020-6-22 17:12:47 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

0、1no error没有错误返回
2coMMon error一般错误
3invalid trade parameters交易参数出错
4trade server is busy交易服务器繁忙
5old veRSIon of the client terminal客户终端软件版本太旧
6no connection with trade server没有连接交易服务器
7not enough rights操作权限不够
8too frequent requests交易请求过于频繁
9malfunctional trade operation (never returned error)交易操作故障
64account disabled账户被禁用
65invalid account无效账户
128trade timeout交易超时
129invalid price无效报价
130invalid stops止损错误
131invalid trade volume交易量错误
132market is closed休市
133trade is disabled禁止交易
134not enough money资金不足
135price changed报价发生改变
136off quotes建仓价过期
137broker is busy (never returned error)经纪商很忙
139order is locked定单被锁定
140long positions only allowed只允许做买入类型操作
141too many requests请求过多
145modification denied because order is too close to market过于接近报价,禁止修改
146trade context is busy交易繁忙
147expirations are denied by broker交易期限被经纪商取消
148amount of open and pending orders has reached the limit持仓单数量超过经纪商的规定
149hedging is prohibited禁止对冲
150prohibited by FIFO rulesFIFO禁则


4000no error (never generated code)没有错误返回
4001wrong function pointer函数指针错误
4002array index is out of range数组越界
4003no memory for function call stack调用栈导致内存不足
4004recursive stack overflow递归栈溢出
4005not enough stack for parameter堆栈参数导致内存不足
4006no memory for parameter string字符串参数导致内存不足
4007no memory for temp string临时字符串导致内存不足
4008non-initialized string字符串变量缺少初始化赋值
4009non-initialized string in array字符串数组缺少初始化赋值
4010no memory for array\' string字符串数组空间不够
4011too long string字符串太长
4012rEMAinder from zero divide因除数为零导致的错误
4013zero divide除数为零
4014unknown command错误的命令
4015wrong jump (never generated error)错误的跳转
4016non-initialized array数组没有初始化
4017dll calls are not allowed禁止调用DLL
4018cannot load library库文件无法调用
4019cannot call function函数无法调用
4020expert function calls are not allowed禁止调用智EA函数
4021not enough memory for temp string returned from function函数中临时字符串返回导致内存不够
4022system is busy (never generated error)系统繁忙
4023dll-function call critical errorDLL函数调用错误
4024internal error内部错误
4025out of memory内存不够
4026invalid pointer指针错误
4027too many formatters in the format function过多的格式定义
4028parameters count is more than formatters count参数计数器越界
4029invalid array数组错误
4030no reply from chart图表没有响应
4050invalid function parameters count参数无效
4051invalid function parameter value参数值无效
4052string function internal error字符串函数内部错误
4053some array error数组错误
4054incorrect series array usage数组使用不正确
4055custom indicator error自定义指标错误
4056arrays are incompatible数组不兼容
4057global variables processing error全局变量处理错误
4058global variable not found没有发现全局变量
4059function is not allowed in testing mode测试模式中函数被禁用
4060function is not confirmed函数未确认
4061send mail error发送邮件错误
4062string parameter expectedString参数错误
4063integer parameter expectedInteger参数错误
4064double parameter expectedDouble参数错误
4065array as parameter expected数组参数错误
4066requested history data is in update state刷新历史数据错误
4067internal trade error交易内部错误
4068resource not found没有发现资源文件
4069resource not supported不支持资源文件
4070duplicate resource重复的资源文件
4071custom indicator cannot initialize自定义指标没有初始化
4099end of file文件末尾
4100some file error文件错误
4101wrong file name文件名称错误
4102too many opened files打开文件过多
4103cannot open file不能打开文件
4104incompatible access to a file不兼容的文件
4105no order selected没有选择定单
4106unknown symbol未知的商品名称
4107invalid price parameter for trade function价格无效
4108invalid ticket报价无效
4109trade is not allowed in the expert properties禁止交易,请尝试修改EA属性
4110longs are not allowed in the expert properties禁止买入类型交易,请尝试修改EA属性
4111shorts are not allowed in the expert properties禁止卖出类型交易,请尝试修改EA属性
4200object already exists对象已经存在
4201unknown object property未知的对象属性
4202object does not exist对象不存在
4203unknown object type未知的对象类型
4204no object name对象没有命名
4205object coordinates error对象坐标错误
4206no specified subwindow没有指定副图窗口
4207graphical object error图形对象错误
4210unknown chart property未知的图表属性
4211chart not found没有发现主图
4212chart subwindow not found没有发现副图
4213chart indicator not found图表中没有发现指标
4220symbol select error商品选择错误
4250notification error消息传递错误
4251notification parameter error消息参数错误
4252notifications disabled消息被禁用
4253notification send too frequent消息发送过于频繁
5001too many opened files文件打开过多
5002wrong file name错误的文件名
5003too long file name文件名过长
5004cannot open file无法打开文件
5005text file buffer allocation error文本文件缓冲区分配错误
5006cannot delete file文无法删除文件
5007invalid file handle (file closed or was not opened)文件句柄无效
5008wrong file handle (handle index is out of handle table)文件句柄错误
5009file must be opened with FILE_WRITE flag文件必须设置为FILE_WRITE
5010file must be opened with FILE_READ flag文件必须设置为FILE_READ
5011file must be opened with FILE_BIN flag文件必须设置为FILE_BIN
5012file must be opened with FILE_TXT flag文件必须设置为FILE_TXT
5013file must be opened with FILE_TXT or FILE_CSV flag文件必须设置为FILE_TXT或FILE_CSV
5014file must be opened with FILE_CSV flag文件必须设置为FILE_CSV
5015file read error读文件错误
5016file write error写文件错误
5017string size must be specified for binary file二进制文件必须指定字符串大小
5018incompatible file (for string arrays-TXT, for others-BIN)文件不兼容
5019file is directory, not file目录名非文件名
5020file does not exist文件不存在
5021file cannot be rewritten文件不能被重复写入
5022wrong directory name错误的目录名
5023directory does not exist目录名不存在
5024specified file is not directory指定文件而不是目录
5025cannot delete directory不能删除目录
5026cannot clean directory不能清空目录
5027array resize error改变数组大小错误
5028string resize error改变字符串大小错误
5029structure contains strings or dynamic arrays结构体包含字符串或者动态数组
其它unknown error未知错误


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