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三种类型的通货膨胀:滞胀是一场接力赛,石油危机是最后一棒 ...

宽客精选 理性看市场 2021-6-3 22:12 206081人围观

来源:一瓣 作者:詹姆斯 · 托宾 译:许博渊 


本文为诺贝尔经济学奖得主詹姆斯  · 托宾1974年发表在纽约时报上的文章,分析了美国1973年滞胀的原因和政府的对策。当时,主流思想是菲利普斯曲线——通胀与失业呈反向关系,压抑通胀,必须牺牲就业。托宾 区别了三种不同类型的通胀,认为正因为混淆了不同类型的通胀,才导致政策上的失误。菲利普斯曲线就是托宾所声称的“需求拉动型通货膨胀”。



原题:There Are Three Types of Inflation(副标题为编者所加)

Three decades of experience tell us that inflation is endemic to modern democratic industrial societies. Fortunately the same record indicates that these economies are nonetheless capable of yielding their citizens substantial gains in well being decade after decade. But hysteria about inflation may lead to policies that keep economic progress well below its potential.


The United States Inflation of 1973-74 is a complex and difficult case, unique in our history. In general we may distinguish three types of inflation: (a) excess demand inflation, popularly summarized as “too much money chasing too few goods,” (b) the wage price‐wage spiral, and (c) shortages and price increases in important commodities. Our current inflationis a combination of (b) and (c). But public discussion generally ignores these distinctions and identifies every inflation, including the present case, as the classical type (a). From this diagnosis, mistaken in my opinion, follows the classical remedy, the“old‐time religion” of restricting aggregate demand by tight monetary policy and by fiscal austerity. 


With some oversimplification, we can say that the U.S. suffered a severe case of excess‐demand inflation (a) in 1966, when President Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara piled war demands onto On economy already operating close to its capacity, and ignored their economists’ pleas to raise taxes. Re-enforced by a lesser dose of excess demand in1968, the 1966 outburst left in its wake a surprisingly stubborn case of inflation type (b), the wage‐price‐wage spiral. Attaining a momentum of its own, this inflation first accelerated and then abated somewhat under the deliberately recessionary policy of 1969-71, assistedby Phases I and II of the controls introduced in August 1971.


At the end of 1972 the ongoing wage-price dynamic was producing over-all inflation 'of 31/2per cent per year, down from 5 percent in 1969--and 1970. However, it was obvious, as events confirmed, that some of the improvement was transient window dressing which would not survive relaxation of controls and completion of the recovery from recession.


Some observers view the 1973 expansion of the American, economy as another case of excess demand and blame the Federal Reserve stand the Nixon budget for overheating the economy once again. But unemployment never fell below 4.6 per cent, and the Government cooled off the boom pretty quickly after mid year. In any case, the underlying wage‐price‐wage dynamic was proceeding at year‐end with wage increases of 7 to 8 per cent, which with normal productivity gains would mean price inflation in the nei**orhood of 5 percent per year.


But mean while the United States was hit by a severe type (c) inflation, spectacular increasein commodity prices. For the first time since the Korean war, external events sharply increased the prices facing American producers and consumers. Everyone knows about the world shortages of food and energy, and about the aggressive new policies of the oil‐producing nations, who have in effect imposed an excise tax of $10 to $15‐billion a year on. American consumers of their products. What may be less well understood is the role of the 16 per cent depreciation of the dollar in foreign exchange since 1970. Working precisely as the architects of the policy hoped, dollar depreciation made imports about $10 billion a year more expensive to Americans. Combined with booms in Europe and Japan, depreciation also increased foreign demand for U.S. products, notably basic agricultural and industrialcommodities. Foreign demands, for, our exports created shortages and price increases for American buyers.


Now there are two important differences between types (b) and (c) inflation. First, the wage‐price‐wage spiral keeps going of its’ own momentum. Wage increases are covered by price boosts, and subsequent wage settlements respond both to past wage patterns and to price inflation. The type (c) commodity price increases, however, are once‐for‐all adjustments tonew supply‐demand situations: those prices won't necessarily fall, but all that is needed to improve the rateof inflation is that they stop rising.


Second, the wage‐price‐wage spiral does not of itself Impose any collective loss on the natio nor on the urban nonagricultural sector of the economy in which it occurs. One man's price is another's income; when buyers pay more, sellers receive more.The inflation may proceed unevenly, so that some workers, consumers, and property owners lose while others gain; such relative distributional changes are always occurring, inflation or no inflation. But it is simply vulgar nonsense—no less for constant repetition by economists, politicians, bankers,and journalists—to say that aninternal self‐contained inflation causes loss of economic welfare in aggregate. The commodity price increases area different matter. They are symptoms of a real national economic loss, and inparticular a ‘loss to urban wage earners and consumers. In current circumstances, we are paying more for oil and other imports. We're not just paying more dollars but more work and resources; under our new foreign exchange rate policy we can no longer buy foreign goods with paper dollar i.o.u.'s. We are also paying more, about $25 billion a year gross, to our own farmers.Recorded declines of real wages are the painful and unavoidable consequences. To attribute them indiscriminately to “inflation” is superficial and misleading.


The economy is currently in recession, and the prospects are for abnormally slow growth in output and for rising unemployment. The Federal Reserve is administering the classical medicine for excess, demand Inflation (a), because that is the only medicine it has. Some of its spokesmen, supporters and critics regard every inflation, almost by definition, as the excess demand type — on the ground that, whatever the proximate origins of inflation, it could be avoided by sufficiently resolute restriction of demand. The idea is that the wage‐price‐wage spiral will unwind if enough slack—idle capacity and unemployment—is created. Extreme advocates of the old time religion even argue that determined disinflation of demand could have yielded big enough reductions in prices of other goods and services to offset or average out the recent price increases of food, fuel and basic materials.


The trouble with this prescription is that it will not succeed without years of economic stagnation, high unemployment, and lost production, with much more severe consequences for real economic welfare than the inflation itself. Experienceshows that the wage‐price‐wage spiral is extremely resistant to unemployment, recession, and economicslack. The unpleasant fact of life is that the wage and price‐setting institutions of our economy, and of every other non Communist economy, are biased toward inflation. Wages and prices rise when and where demand is strong much more readily than they decline when and where demand is weak. While the classical medicine would have prevented the Vietnam burst of inflation, it will take much more time and pain than its advocates admit to overcome the wage‐price‐wage inflation built into our economy.


The main inflationary threat this year is that the temporary inflation of type (c) will be permanently built into the ongoing wage‐price‐wage spiral. The setbacks to real wages reflected in higher prices offood, fuel, and other commodities cannot really be reversed. General attempts to “catch up” by escalated wage settlements will simply be defeated by accelerated price inflation. So Washington is right to bealarmed by this year's wage settlements.


But there isvery little the Federal Reserve can do about them, even the Fed provokes a full‐blown recession. The settlements are already in the works, and they depend much more on the recent history of wages and prices than on the current strength or weakness of demand.1 The budget makers of the Executive and the Congress are in much the same position. They too can be nobly and resolutely austere, pretending they are fighting a classical type (a) inflation. But the results pf budget cutting will be measured more in lower unemployment and ‘Roland Topor production statistics than in wages and prices. Present’ anti‐inflation hysteria may well yield policies that bring us the worst of several worlds.


Is there a more promising and less costly way to confront the unique inflationary problem of 1974? If ever there was a time for what the Europeans call “incomes policy,”the time is now. It may be that the Nixon experiment with wage and price controls was never a good idea, and the stop‐and‐go alternation of phases certainly didn't help. But the total abandonment,in April of this year, of every legal or informal restraint was incredibly untimely.

有没有一种更有希望、成本更低的方法来应对1974年独特的通货膨胀?如果说欧洲人所谓的“收入政策 ”还有时机的话,那么现在正是时候。尼克松进行工资和价格控制的实验可能从来都不是一个好主意,而且阶段性的停顿和运转肯定无济于事。但是,在今年4月,完全放弃所有法律或非正式限制的措施是非常不合时宜的。

What was needed was Presidential leadership—in open, can did understanding with business, labor,agriculture, and consumers—to establish realistic moderate guide posts for wages and prices. We still need what some of us have called a new social contract for the economy, along the following lines: (1) Monetary and fiscal policy would begeared, not to increase' unemployment, but to keep it from rising, and toachieve, not to thwart, the 4 per cent a year growth in production of which oureconomy is capable, (2) Workers’take‐home pay would be increased by cutting Social Security payroll taxes and by making the structure of those taxes more equitable and progressive. This taxcut would provide part of the demand stimulus needed under (1). (3) Labor, forits part, would consent to a general wage guide post of 8 or 9 per cent, and Washington would expect and exact comparable moderation in business and agricultural price‐setting.


The hour is late. But the long national nightmare is over. Our new President has the trust and goodwill of the American people. If the economic problem he confronts is unique, he also enjoys a unique opportunity to seek a new direction.







